All properties in EDAM

Label Id Description
consider consider
contributor contributor
creator creator
data data
date date
deprecated deprecated
deprecation_candidate is_deprecation_candidate [When 'true', the concept has been proposed to be deprecated.]
deprecation_comment deprecation_comment [A comment explaining why the comment should be or was deprecated, including name of person commenting (jison, mkalas etc.)]
edam edam
events events
format format
formats formats
has format has_format ['A has_format B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its data format.]
has function has_function ['A has_function B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its function.]
has identifier has_identifier ['A has_identifier B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its identifier.]
has input has_input ['A has_input B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as a necessary or actual input or input argument.]
has output has_output ['A has_output B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as a necessary or actual output or output argument.]
has topic has_topic ['A has_topic B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its topic (A is in the scope of a topic B).]
hasAlternativeId hasAlternativeId
hasBroadSynonym hasBroadSynonym