Protein structure validation

^ http://edamontology.org/operation_0321

Evaluate the quality or correctness a protein three-dimensional model.

Synonyms: Residue validation, Protein model validation

Term info

database cross reference
  • WHATIF: CorrectedPDBasXML
  • WHATIF: UseFileDB
  • WHATIF: UseResidueDB

operations, edam

Created in



Model validation might involve checks for atomic packing, steric clashes (bumps), volume irregularities, agreement with electron density maps, number of amino acid residues, percentage of residues with missing or bad atoms, irregular Ramachandran Z-scores, irregular Chi-1 / Chi-2 normality scores, RMS-Z score on bonds and angles etc., This includes methods that calculate poor quality residues. The scoring function to identify poor quality residues may consider residues with bad atoms or atoms with high B-factor, residues in the N- or C-terminal position, adjacent to an unstructured residue, non-canonical residues, glycine and proline (or adjacent to these such residues)., The PDB file format has had difficulties, inconsistencies and errors. Corrections can include identifying a meaningful sequence, removal of alternate atoms, correction of nomenclature problems, removal of incomplete residues and spurious waters, addition or removal of water, modelling of missing side chains, optimisation of cysteine bonds, regularisation of bond lengths, bond angles and planarities etc.


WHATIF: UseFileDB, WHATIF: UseResidueDB, WHATIF: CorrectedPDBasXML

