All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Chemical structure image data_1712 [An image of the structure of a small chemical compound.]
Sequence alignment image data_1711 [Image of two or more aligned molecular sequences possibly annotated with alignment features.]
HGNC data_1718 [A term from the HGNC controlled vocabulary.]
MeSH data_1717 [A term from the MeSH vocabulary.]
GO data_1716 [A term definition from The Gene Ontology (GO).]
BioPax term data_1715 [A term from the BioPax ontology.]
MGED data_1725 [A term from the MGED ontology.]
ChEBI data_1724 [A term from the ChEBI ontology.]
EMAP data_1723 [A term from the EMAP mouse ontology.]
FMA data_1722 [A term from Foundational Model of Anatomy.]
GO (cellular component) data_1729 [A term definition for a cellular component from the Gene Ontology (GO).]
GO (molecular function) data_1728 [A term definition for a molecular function from the Gene Ontology (GO).]
GO (biological process) data_1727 [A term definition for a biological process from the Gene Ontology (GO).]
myGrid data_1726 [A term from the myGrid ontology.]
UMLS data_1721 [A term from the UMLS vocabulary.]
Plant ontology term data_1720 [A term from the Plant Ontology (PO).]
Primer or probe design topic_3032 [The design of primers for PCR and DNA amplification or the design of molecular probes.]
Ontology concept reference data_1733 [Reference for a concept from an ontology.]
Structure databases topic_3038 [Molecular secondary or tertiary (3D) structural data resources, typically of proteins and nucleic acids.]
doc2loc document information data_1738 [Information on a published article provided by the doc2loc program.]