All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Map format format_2060 [Format of a map of (typically one) molecular sequence annotated with features.]
PDB residue name data_1758 [Three-letter amino acid residue names as used in PDB files.]
Amino acid name (three letter) data_2564 [Three letter amino acid identifier, e.g. GLY.]
Population genetics topic_3056 [The distribution of allele frequencies in a population of organisms and its change subject to evolutionary processes including natural selection, genetic drift, mutation and gene flow.]
Atom ID data_0983 [Identifier (e.g. character symbol) of a specific atom.]
Quantitative genetics topic_3055 [The genes and genetic mechanisms such as Mendelian inheritance that underly continuous phenotypic traits (such as height or weight).]
Protein residue data_1756 [Data on a single amino acid residue position in a protein structure.]
Protein structure data_1460 [3D coordinate and associated data for a protein tertiary (3D) structure, or part of a structure, possibly in complex with other molecules.]
Protein atom data_1755 [Data on a single atom from a protein structure.]
PDB model number data_1759 [Identifier of a model structure from a PDB file.]
Structure identifier data_3035 [An identifier of a molecular tertiary structure, typically an entry from a structure database.]
Sequence clusters and classification topic_3052 [The comparison, grouping together and classification of macromolecules on the basis of sequence similarity.]
Biodiversity topic_3050 [The degree of variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome or an entire planet.]
Anatomy topic_3067 [The form and function of the structures of living organisms.]
Biomedical science topic_3344 [Topic concerning biological science that is (typically) performed in the context of medicine.]
CATH domain sequences (COMBS) data_1767 [FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on COMBS sequence data).]
Developmental biology topic_3064 [How organisms grow and develop.]
CATH domain sequences (ATOM) data_1766 [FASTA sequence database for all CATH domains (based on PDB ATOM records).]
Literature and language topic_3068 [The scientific literature, language processing, reference information, and documentation.]
CATH representative domain sequences (COMBS) data_1765 [FASTA sequence database (based on COMBS sequence data) for CATH domains (clustered at different levels of sequence identity).]