All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
snpeffdb format_3624 [An index of a genome database, indexed for use by the snpeff tool.]
Sequence composition calculation operation_0236 [Calculate character or word composition or frequency of a molecular sequence.]
Calculation operation_3438 [Mathematical determination of the value of something, typically a properly of a molecule.]
Sequence analysis operation_2403 [Analyse one or more known molecular sequences.]
Sequence composition, complexity and repeats topic_0157 [The archival, processing and analysis of the basic character composition of molecular sequences, for example character or word frequency, ambiguity, complexity, particularly regions of low complexity, and repeats or the repetitive nature of molecular sequences.]
Sequence composition report data_1261 [A report (typically a table) on character or word composition / frequency of a molecular sequence(s).]
Repeat sequence analysis operation_0237 [Find and/or analyse repeat sequences in (typically nucleotide) sequences.]
Sequence complexity calculation operation_0234 [Calculate sequence complexity, for example to find low-complexity regions in sequences.]
Sequence complexity report data_1259 [A report on sequence complexity, for example low-complexity or repeat regions in sequences.]
Sequence ambiguity calculation operation_0235 [Calculate sequence ambiguity, for example identity regions in protein or nucleotide sequences with many ambiguity codes.]
Sequence ambiguity report data_1260 [A report on ambiguity in molecular sequence(s).]
sif format_3619 [SIF (simple interaction file) Format - a network/pathway format used for instance in cytoscape.]
Sequence motif discovery operation_0238 [Discover new motifs or conserved patterns in sequences or sequence alignments (de-novo discovery).]
Sequence motif analysis operation_2404 [Analyse molecular sequence motifs.]
Sequence feature detection operation_0253 [Predict, recognise and identify positional features in molecular sequences such as key functional sites or regions.]
Sequence sites, features and motifs topic_0160 [The archival, detection, prediction and analysis of positional features such as functional and other key sites, in molecular sequences and the conserved patterns (motifs, profiles etc.) that may be used to describe them.]
Sequence signature matches data_0858 [Report on the location of matches ("hits") between sequences, sequence profiles, motifs (conserved or functional patterns) and other types of sequence signatures.]
Sequence motif recognition operation_0239 [Find (scan for) known motifs, patterns and regular expressions in molecular sequence(s).]
Sequence merging operation_0232 [Merge two or more (typically overlapping) molecular sequences.]
Sequence editing operation_0231 [Edit or change a molecular sequence, either randomly or specifically.]