AraC-XylS ID
data_2742 |
[Identifier of a transcription factor from the AraC-XylS database.] |
Gene name (HUGO)
data_2743 |
[Name of an entry (gene) from the HUGO database.] |
Locus ID (PseudoCAP)
data_2744 |
[Identifier of a locus from the PseudoCAP database.] |
Sequence similarity
data_1413 |
[Sequence similarity is the similarity (expressed as a percentage) of two molecular sequences calculated from their alignment, a scoring matrix for scoring characters substitutions and penalties for gap insertion and extension.] |
Sequence similarity score
data_0865 |
[A value representing molecular sequence similarity.] |
Sequence identity
data_1412 |
[Sequence identity is the number (%) of matches (identical characters) in positions from an alignment of two molecular sequences.] |
Terminal gap extension penalty
data_1411 |
[A number defining the penalty for extending gaps at the termini of an alignment, either from the N/C terminal of protein or 5'/3' terminal of nucleotide sequences.] |
Gap extension penalty
data_1398 |
[A penalty for extending a gap in an alignment.] |
Gene name (Genolist)
data_2740 |
[Name of an entry (gene) from the Genolist genes database.] |
Terminal gap opening penalty
data_1410 |
[A number defining the penalty for opening gaps at the termini of an alignment, either from the N/C terminal of protein or 5'/3' terminal of nucleotide sequences.] |
Gap opening penalty
data_1397 |
[A penalty for opening a gap in an alignment.] |
MEME Dirichlet prior
format_1350 |
[Dirichlet distribution MEME format.] |
Dirichlet distribution format
format_2074 |
[Data format of a dirichlet distribution.] |
HMMER emission and transition
format_1351 |
[Format of a report from the HMMER package on the emission and transition counts of a hidden Markov model.] |
HMM emission and transition counts format
format_2075 |
[Data format for the emission and transition counts of a hidden Markov model.] |
Protein sequence comparison
operation_2509 |
[Compare two or more protein sequences.] |
Nucleic acid sequence comparison
operation_2508 |
[Compare two or more nucleic acid sequences.] |
format_1356 |
[Format of a regular expression pattern from the Prosite database.] |
EMBOSS sequence pattern
format_1357 |
[Format of an EMBOSS sequence pattern.] |
Sequence data processing
operation_2503 |
[Process (read and / or write) molecular sequence data.] |