All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Transcription factor name data_2755 [The name of a transcription factor.]
Protein name data_1009 [Name of a protein.]
GenomeReviews ID data_2751 [An identifier of a particular genome.]
DMR identification operation_3809 [Identify and assess specific genes or regulatory regions of interest that are differentially methylated.]
DNA substitution model data_1439 [A model of DNA substitution that explains a DNA sequence alignment, derived from phylogenetic tree analysis.]
Mathematical model data_0950 [A biological model represented in mathematical terms.]
Spectral library search operation_3801 [Match experimentally measured mass spectrum to a spectrum in a spectral library or database.]
Peptide identification operation_3631 [Determination of peptide sequence from mass spectrum.]
Phylogenetic report data_1438 [A report of data concerning or derived from a phylogenetic tree, or from comparing two or more phylogenetic trees.]
RNA-Seq quantification operation_3800 [Quantification of data arising from RNA-Seq high-throughput sequencing, typically the quantification of transcript abundances durnig transcriptome analysis in a gene expression study.]
Quantification operation_3799 [Counting and measuring experimentally determined observations into quantities.]
Identifier with metadata data_2767 [Basic information concerning an identifier of data (typically including the identifier itself). For example, a gene symbol with information concerning its provenance.]
Gene symbol annotation data_2768 [Annotation about a gene symbol.]
Natural product identification operation_3803 [Mass spectra identification of compounds that are produced by living systems. Including polyketides, terpenoids, phenylpropanoids, alkaloids and antibiotics.]
Nucleic acid features data_1276 [An informative report on intrinsic positional features of a nucleotide sequence, formatted to be machine-readable.]
Sorting operation_3802 [Sort a set of files or data items according to some property.]
Locus annotation data_2763 [An informative report on a particular locus.]
Protein name (UniProt) data_2764 [Official name of a protein as used in the UniProt database.]
Term ID list data_2765 [One or more terms from one or more controlled vocabularies which are annotations on an entity.]
HAMAP ID data_2766 [Name of a protein family from the HAMAP database.]