All terms in EDAM
Label | Id | Description |
dasdna | format_1968 | [DAS sequence (XML) format (nucleotide-only).] |
Stockholm format | format_1961 | [Stockholm multiple sequence alignment format (used by Pfam and Rfam).] |
strider format | format_1962 | [DNA strider output sequence format.] |
UniProtKB format | format_1963 | [UniProtKB entry sequence format.] |
UniProt-like (text) | format_2187 | [A text sequence format resembling uniprotkb entry format.] |
plain text format (unformatted) | format_1964 | [Plain text sequence format (essentially unformatted).] |
refseqp | format_1958 | [Refseq protein entry sequence format.] |
selex sequence format | format_1959 | [Selex sequence format.] |
Pearson format | format_1954 | [Plain old FASTA sequence format (unspecified format for IDs).] |
FASTA-like (text) | format_2200 | [A text format resembling FASTA format.] |
phylip sequence format | format_1955 | [Phylip interleaved sequence format.] |
phylipnon sequence format | format_1956 | [PHYLIP non-interleaved sequence format.] |
raw | format_1957 | [Raw sequence format with no non-sequence characters.] |
Raw sequence format | format_2571 | [Format of a raw molecular sequence (i.e. the alphabet used).] |
pdbatom | format_1950 | [PDB sequence format (ATOM lines).] |
PDB database entry format | format_1475 | [Format of an entry (or part of an entry) from the PDB database.] |
pdbatomnuc | format_1951 | [PDB nucleotide sequence format (ATOM lines).] |
pdbseqresnuc | format_1952 | [PDB nucleotide sequence format (SEQRES lines).] |
pdbseqres | format_1953 | [PDB sequence format (SEQRES lines).] |
Nucleic acid melting curve | data_2958 | [A melting curve of a double-stranded nucleic acid molecule (DNA or DNA/RNA).] |