All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
DNA back-translation operation_2510 [Back-translate a protein sequence into DNA.]
Multilocus sequence typing operation_3840 [Genotyping of multiple loci, typically characterizing microbial species isolates using internal fragments of multiple housekeeping genes.]
Stereolithography format format_3993 [STL is a file format native to the stereolithography CAD software created by 3D Systems. The format is used to save and share surface-rendered 3D images and also for 3D printing.]
CIGAR format format_3992 [Compact Idiosyncratic Gapped Alignment Report format is a compressed (run-length encoded) pairwise alignment format. It is useful for representing long (e.g. genomic) pairwise alignments.]
FASTA search results format format_1332 [Format of results of a sequence database search using FASTA.]
Texture file format format_3995 [Bitmap image format used for storing textures.]
Protein sites and features topic_0748 [The detection, identification and analysis of positional features in proteins, such as functional sites.]
U3D format_3994 [U3D (Universal 3D) is a compressed file format and data structure for 3D computer graphics. It contains 3D model information such as triangle meshes, lighting, shading, motion data, lines and points with color and structure.]
BLAST results format_1333 [Format of results of a sequence database search using some variant of BLAST.]
Transcription factors and regulatory sites topic_0749 [Proteins that bind to DNA and control transcription of DNA to mRNA (transcription factors) and also transcriptional regulatory sites, elements and regions (such as promoters, enhancers, silencers and boundary elements / insulators) in nucleotide sequences.]
RNA structure alignment data_1493 [Alignment (superimposition) of RNA tertiary (3D) structures.]
Multiple nucleic acid tertiary structure alignment data_1492 [Alignment (superimposition) of more than two nucleic acid tertiary (3D) structures.]
TrackDB format_3991 [A declaration file format for UCSC browsers track dataset display charateristics.]
Structure alignment (nucleic acid pair) data_1491 [Alignment (superimposition) of exactly two nucleic acid tertiary (3D) structures.]
AVI format_3990 [Audio Video Interleaved (AVI) format is a multimedia container format for AVI files, that allows synchronous audio-with-video playback.]
Multiple protein tertiary structure alignment (C-alpha atoms) data_1490 [Alignment (superimposition) of exactly two protein tertiary (3D) structures (typically C-alpha atoms only considered).]
Nucleic acid sequence alignment topic_0740 [Nucleotide sequence alignments.]
Protein sequence alignment topic_0741 [Protein sequence alignments.]
mspcrunch format_1334 [Format of results of a sequence database search using some variant of MSPCrunch.]
MPEG-4 format_3997 [A digital multimedia container format most commonly used to store video and audio.]