All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Multiple protein sequence alignment data_1390 [Alignment of more than two protein sequences.]
axt format_3013 [axt format of alignments, typically produced from BLASTZ.]
VCF format_3016 [Variant Call Format (VCF) for sequence variation (indels, polymorphisms, structural variation).]
Pileup format_3015 [Pileup format of alignment of sequences (e.g. sequencing reads) to (a) reference sequence(s). Contains aligned bases per base of the reference sequence(s).]
.nib format_3010 [.nib (nibble) binary format of a nucleotide sequence using 4 bits per nucleotide (including unknown) and its lower-case 'masking'.]
pgSnp format_3012 [Personal Genome SNP (pgSnp) format for sequence variation tracks (indels and polymorphisms), supported by the UCSC Genome Browser.]
genePred format_3011 [genePred table format for gene prediction tracks.]
Proteome topic_0644 [A specific proteome including protein sequences and annotation.]
Repeat sequences topic_0641 [The repetitive nature of molecular sequences.]
Low complexity sequences topic_0642 [The (character) complexity of molecular sequences, particularly regions of low complexity.]
ZTR format_3018 [ZTR format for storing chromatogram data from DNA sequencing instruments.]
Sequence trace format format_2057 [Format for sequence trace data (i.e. including base call information).]
SRF format_3017 [Sequence Read Format (SRF) of sequence trace data. Supports submission to the NCBI Short Read Archive.]
GVF format_3019 [Genome Variation Format (GVF). A GFF3-compatible format with defined header and attribute tags for sequence variation.]
Data retrieval (protein interaction annotation) operation_2469 [Retrieve information on a protein interaction.]
Data retrieval (phylogenetic tree) operation_2468 [Retrieve a phylogenetic tree from a data resource.]
Data retrieval (protein annotation) operation_2467 [Retrieve information on a protein.]
Read binning operation_3798 [An operation which groups reads or contigs and assigns them to operational taxonomic units.]
Sequence alignment (protein pair) data_1387 [Alignment of exactly two protein sequences.]
Protein surface calculation operation_2462 [Calculate the solvent accessibility of a structure as a whole.]