Volume map
data_0940 |
[Volume map data from electron microscopy.] |
Database management
topic_3489 |
[The general handling of data stored in digital archives such as databanks, databases proper, web portals and other data resources.] |
Database cross-mapping
data_0954 |
[A mapping of the accession numbers (or other database identifier) of entries between (typically) two biological or biomedical databases.] |
Version information
data_0953 |
[Information on a version of software or data, for example name, version number and release date.] |
EMBOSS database resource definition
data_0952 |
[Resource definition for an EMBOSS database.] |
Job metadata
data_0959 |
[Textual metadata on a submitted or completed job.] |
Tool metadata
data_0958 |
[Basic information about one or more bioinformatics applications or packages, such as name, type, description, or other documentation.] |
Database metadata
data_0957 |
[Basic information on bioinformatics database(s) or other data sources such as name, type, description, URL etc.] |
Data index report
data_0956 |
[A human-readable collection of information concerning an analysis of an index of biological data.] |
format_3825 |
[nmrML is an MSI supported XML-based open access format for metabolomics NMR raw and processed spectral data. It is accompanies by an nmrCV (controlled vocabulary) to allow ontology-based annotations.] |
format_3827 |
[. proBED is an adaptation of BED (format_3003), which was extended to meet specific requirements entailed by proteomics data.] |
format_3826 |
[. proBAM is an adaptation of BAM (format_2572), which was extended to meet specific requirements entailed by proteomics data.] |
format_3821 |
[Default XML format of VisANT, containing all the network information.] |
Relaxed PHYLIP Sequential
format_3820 |
[Phylip multiple alignment sequence format, less stringent than PHYLIP sequential format (format_1998).] |
format_3823 |
[FASTG is a format for faithfully representing genome assemblies in the face of allelic polymorphism and assembly uncertainty.] |
format_3822 |
[GML (Graph Modeling Language) is a text file format supporting network data with a very easy syntax. It is used by Graphlet, Pajek, yEd, LEDA and NetworkX.] |
ELAND format
format_3818 |
[Tab-delimited text file format used by Eland - the read-mapping program distributed by Illumina with its sequencing analysis pipeline - which maps short Solexa sequence reads to the human reference genome.] |
format_3817 |
[format for the LaTeX document preparation system] |
Relaxed PHYLIP Interleaved
format_3819 |
[Phylip multiple alignment sequence format, less stringent than PHYLIP format.] |
format_3814 |
[SDF is one of a family of chemical-data file formats developed by MDL Information Systems; it is intended especially for structural information.] |