Term info
- MeSH:D012129
- NCIt:C38081
Measurement of the various processes involved in the act of respiration: inspiration, expiration, oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, lung volume and compliance, etc.
TESTS PULM FUNCTION, Respiratory Function Test, Function Test, Lung, FUNCTION TEST PULM, Tests, Lung Function, Tests, Respiratory Function, Lung Function Tests, Tests, Pulmonary Function, Function Test, Pulmonary, TEST PULM FUNCTION, Test, Pulmonary Function, PULM FUNCTION TEST, Function Tests, Pulmonary, PULM FUNCTION TESTS, Pulmonary Function Tests, FUNCTION TESTS PULM, Test, Respiratory Function, Function Tests, Lung, Respiratory Function Tests, Function Tests, Respiratory, pulmonary function test, Function Test, Respiratory, Lung Function Test, Test, Lung Function
Tomasz Adamusiak