10x 3' v2

^ http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0009899

Term info


10X 3' v2 is the second version of the 10x sequencing technology that sequences from the 3' end of nucleic acid molecules. In the 3' assay, the polyd(T) sequence is part of the gel bead oligo (which also contains the 10x Barcode, UMI, and partial Illumina Read 1 sequence), with the template switch oligo (TSO) supplied in the RT Primer.

has exact synonym

10X 3' v2

has related synonym

10x 3' v2 sequencing, 10x v2 sequencing, 10X v2, 10X v2 sequencing, 10x v2, 10x_v2, 10XV2, 10X 3' v2 sequencing

term editor

Dani Welter

Term relations