All properties in HANCESTRO

Label Id Description
TopObjectProperty TopObjectProperty
alternative_term IAO_0000118
contributor contributor
database_cross_reference hasDbXref
definition IAO_0000115
definition_source IAO_0000119
deprecated deprecated
description description
editor preferred term IAO_0000111 [The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English)]
has curation status IAO_0000114
has ontology root term IAO_0000700 [Ontology annotation property. Relates an ontology to a term that is a designated root term of the ontology. Display tools like OLS can use terms annotated with this property as the starting point for rendering the ontology class hierarchy. There can be more than one root.]
hasAncestryStatus HANCESTRO_0301
hasCountryOfOrigin HANCESTRO_0308
hasDemonym HANCESTRO_0329
hasEthnicPopulation HANCESTRO_0287
has_exact_synonym hasExactSynonym
has_part BFO_0000051
isDefinedBy isDefinedBy
isDemonymOf HANCESTRO_0330
label label