All terms in HANCESTRO

Label Id Description
Albania Albania
Bashkir HANCESTRO_0586
Cook Islander HANCESTRO_0465
Cook Islands Cook_Islands
Kyrgyzstani HANCESTRO_0343
Tatar HANCESTRO_0585
American Samoan HANCESTRO_0464
Australian HANCESTRO_0346
Jewish Israeli HANCESTRO_0588
French Polynesian HANCESTRO_0467
Andorran HANCESTRO_0345
Martu Australian Aboriginal HANCESTRO_0587 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as Aboriginal Australian of Martu ancestry. The Martu Australian Aboriginal people are from the Western Desert region located across the Pilbara in Western Australia]
Aboriginal Australian HANCESTRO_0552 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as Australian Aboriginal. These are expected to be descendents of early human migration into Australia from Eastern Asia and can be distinguished from other Asian populations by mtDNA and Y chromosome variation.]
Fijian HANCESTRO_0466
Belarusian HANCESTRO_0348
Belarus Belarus
I-Kiribati HANCESTRO_0469
Austrian HANCESTRO_0347
Punjabi Sikh HANCESTRO_0589
Guamanian HANCESTRO_0468