All terms in HANCESTRO

Label Id Description
Brazilian HANCESTRO_0352
Mende HANCESTRO_0594 [The Mende people are one of the largest ethnic groups in Sierra Leone who speak a language of the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo family. (PMID:15761855) Samples from this population were studied as part of the full 1000 Genomes project (https://www.coriell.org/1/NHGRI/Collections/1000-Genomes-Collections/Mende-in-Sierra-Leone-MSL)]
New Caledonian HANCESTRO_0473
Channel Islander HANCESTRO_0355
Singaporean Malay HANCESTRO_0597 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as Singaporean Malay.]
Papua New Guinean HANCESTRO_0476
Papua New Guinea Papua_New_Guinea
Canadian HANCESTRO_0354
Canada Canada
Arab HANCESTRO_0596 [Includes individuals with ethnic origins in the Semitic people populating the Arabian Peninsula and other countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa]
Palauan HANCESTRO_0475
Palau Palau
Croatian HANCESTRO_0357
Croatia Croatia
Samoan HANCESTRO_0478
Samoa Samoa
Saint Martin Saint_Martin
Chilean HANCESTRO_0356
Singaporean Indian HANCESTRO_0598 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as Singaporean Indian.]
Indian HANCESTRO_0487