All terms in HANCESTRO

Label Id Description
Sardinian HANCESTRO_0309
genetically homogenous Irish HANCESTRO_0551
Venezuelan HANCESTRO_0430
Venezuela Venezuela
Zimbabweian HANCESTRO_0550
obsolete_Circumpolar people HANCESTRO_0553 [Includes native populations of Alaska, Siberia, and the Aleutian Archipelago. This category does not include all native populations within the Arctic circle for example the Finnish Saami who are descended from Europeans and are therefore included within the European ancestry category.]
Friuli Venezia Giulia HANCESTRO_0311
Armenian HANCESTRO_0432
Algerian HANCESTRO_0431
Algeria Algeria
Val Borbera HANCESTRO_0310
Arab Israeli founder HANCESTRO_0555
Old Order Amish HANCESTRO_0313
Bahraini HANCESTRO_0434
Silk Road founder HANCESTRO_0554
Carlantino HANCESTRO_0312
Azerbaijani HANCESTRO_0433
Egyptian HANCESTRO_0436
Costa Rican founder HANCESTRO_0557
Hutterite HANCESTRO_0315