All terms in HANCESTRO

Label Id Description
Sri Lankan HANCESTRO_0491
Sri Lanka Sri_Lanka
Lithuanian HANCESTRO_0373
Indonesian HANCESTRO_0494
African HANCESTRO_0010 [Includes individuals that either self-report or have been described as African, but there was not sufficient information to allow classification as African American, AfroCaribbean or Sub-Saharan African.]
Liechtensteiner HANCESTRO_0372
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Cambodian HANCESTRO_0493
Cambodia Cambodia
Maltese HANCESTRO_0375
Malaysian HANCESTRO_0496
Malaysia Malaysia
India India
Luxembourgish HANCESTRO_0374
Sub-Saharan African HANCESTRO_0011 [Includes individuals who either self-report or have been described by authors as SubSaharan African or one of the subpopulations from this region (e.g. Yoruban). This category also includes individuals who genetically cluster with reference populations from this region for example 1000 Genomes and/or HapMap ESN, LWK, GWD, MSL, MKK and YRI populations.]
Filipino HANCESTRO_0498
Montenegrin HANCESTRO_0377
Hispanic or Latin American HANCESTRO_0014 [Includes individuals who either self-report or are described by authors as Hispanic, Latino, Latin American or one of the sub-populations from this region. This category includes individuals with known admixture of primarily European, African and Native American ancestries, though some may have also a degree of Asian (e.g. Peru). We also note that the levels of admixture vary depending on the country, with Caribbean countries carrying higher levels of African admixture when compared to South American countries, for example. This category also includes individuals who genetically cluster with reference populations from this region, for example 1000 Genomes and/or HapMap CLM, MXL, PEL and PUR populations]