oocyte localization involved in germarium-derived egg chamber formation

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0030720

Directed movement of the oocyte, following its specification, from its original central position in the cyst to a posterior position relative to the nurse cells of the egg chamber, and its maintenance in this posterior location. This is the first sign of anterior-posterior asymmetry in the developing egg chamber. [ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10449356 GOC:mtg_sensu ]

Synonyms: oogenesis, oocyte localization, establishment and maintenance of oocyte position during oogenesis, oocyte localisation involved in germarium-derived egg chamber formation, oogenesis, establishment and maintenance of oocyte localization, establishment and maintenance of oocyte localization in egg chamber

Term info

has related synonym

oocyte localization during germarium-derived egg chamber formation, oocyte localization during oogenesis

has narrow synonym

oocyte positioning during oogenesis

has obo namespace


