cell culture splitting

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/OBI_0600037

The act of taking part of a homogeneous cell culture and creating one or more additional separate cultures of similar qualities. input: cell_culture, output cell_culture min cardinality 2. part of cell culturing

Term info

alternative label

cell culture passaging


An active cell culture is typically split when it has grown to confluence in its culture dish. Cell culture splitting of a cell culture sample results in an increase in its passage number, which measures how long a sample has been propagated in vitro, and therefore how many selective or genetic changes it is likely to have undergone.

definition source

OBI branch derived

editor preferred term

cell culture splitting

example of usage

The act of taking a cell culture of high density, counting the cells, removing part of the cells, and re-seeding a select number of the cells into new flasks with fresh tissue culture media.

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term editor

PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch