
^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001443

Subdivision of trunk proper, which is demarcated from the neck by the plane of the superior thoracic aperture and from the abdomen internally by the inferior surface of the diaphragm and externally by the costal margin and associated with the thoracic vertebral column and ribcage and from the back of the thorax by the external surface of the posterolateral part of the rib cage, the anterior surface of the thoracic vertebral column and the posterior axillary lines; together with the abdomen and the perineum, it constitutes the trunk proper[FMA]. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chest FMA:9576 ]

Synonyms: ventral part of thoracic region, pectus, anterolateral part of thorax, front of thorax

Term info

database cross reference
  • MIAA:0000295
  • EV:0100010
  • GAID:91
  • UMLS:C1527391 (ncithesaurus:Chest)
  • EFO:0000965
  • BTO:0001368
  • FMA:9576
  • NCIT:C25389
  • NCIT:C12799
  • galen:Chest
  • MAT:0000295
  • MESH:D013909
  • MA:0000031
  • UMLS:C0817096 (ncithesaurus:Thorax)
  • CALOHA:TS-1039
  • Wikipedia:Chest
  • galen:Thorax
  • EMAPA:37232 (MA:th)

uberon_slim, efo_slim, pheno_slim

RO 0002171


UBPROP 0000007

pectoral, thoracic

depicted by


editor note

FMA:24216 present in FMA1, but gone in subsequent versions

has related synonym

thoracic body wall, thorax




chest, Thorax, Anterior chest