basioccipital bone

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001692

One of the bones of the occiput, the part of the skull which articulates with the spine. The basioccipital is located (if present) ventral to the foramen magnum. It often rests on or articulates with the basisphenoid, as well as meeting the exoccipitals. The basioccipital usually forms most (sometimes all) of the occipital condyle(s) and the ventral margin of the foramen magnum. [ http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/glossary/glossaryB.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilar_part_of_occipital_bone ]

Synonyms: basilar part of occipital bone, basioccipital, basi-occipital, basioccipital bone

Term info

database cross reference

uberon_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core

UBPROP 0000001

Chondral bone that articulates with the exoccipitals dorsally, the prootics anteriorly, the parasphenoid ventrally, and the first free vertebra posteriorly. The basioccipital forms the floor of the foramen magnum. The basioccipital is an unpaired medial bone.[TAO], An unpaired medial bone contributing to the ventral margin of the foramen magnum that extends into the floor of the brain cavity. It can contribute to the centromedial portion of the occipital condyle.[AAO]

UBPROP 0000002

relationship loss: overlaps basioccipital-exoccipital joint (TAO:0002038)[TAO], relationship loss: overlaps parasphenoid-basioccipital joint (TAO:0001832)[TAO], relationship type change: overlaps neurocranium (TAO:0001580) CHANGED TO: part_of neurocranium (UBERON:0001703)[TAO]

UBPROP 0000005

In some teleosts the anterior vertebral centra fuse to the basioccipital forming a monopartite occipital condyle.[TAO]

depicted by


editor note

TODO - check FMA

has related synonym

pars basilaris ossis occipitalis




Basilar part of occipital bone