
^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001753

Odontoid tissue that is deposited by cementoblasts onto dentine tissue and functions to attach teeth, odontodes and other odontogenic derivatives to bone tissue and the integument. [ http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0051070 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/references/0000034 PSPUB:0000170 VSAO:0000062 ]

Synonyms: cement, cementum, cementum of tooth, cement of tooth

Term info

database cross reference


UBPROP 0000001

Substance of tooth produced by cementoblasts; surrounds the dentine of the root of the tooth[FMA:55630]., Odontoid tissue that is deposited by cementoblasts onto dentine tissue and functions to attach teeth, odontodes and other odontogenic derivatives to bone tissue and the integument.[VSAO]

UBPROP 0000008

Cementum, the supporting tissue that anchors mammalian and crocodylian teeth into their sockets, differs among species and can have features of dentine, of bone, and of calcified cartilage, as well as unique features. Cementum is deposited by cementoblasts onto existing dentine. As in bone and dentine, cementoblasts produce an organic matrix, the main constituent of which is collagen type I (Bosshardt, 2005), but cementum, dentine, and bone also share a number of important noncollagenous matrix components such as osteopontin, osteocalcin, bone sialoprotein, a2-HS- glycoprotein, dentine matrix protein, dentine sialoprotein, and den- tine phosphoprotein (McKee et al., 1996; Bosshardt, 2005). it has been argued that in all rodents and ruminants, cementum is a form of calcified cartilage[H&W]

depicted by


has related synonym

bone of attachment



