hyaloid artery

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0002270

An artery that is part of the optic stalk of the eye and extends from the optic disc through the vitreous humor to the lens. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyaloid_artery ]

Synonyms: arteria hyaloidea

Term info

database cross reference

uberon_slim, pheno_slim, vertebrate_core, human_reference_atlas

plural term
hyaloid arteries [ ZFA:0005045 ]

UBPROP 0000001

Artery that is internal to the eye. Isogai et al. 2001.[TAO]

UBPROP 0000008

In humans, Usually fully regressed before birth, its purpose is to supply nutrient to the developing lens in the growing fetus. During the tenth week of development the lens grows independent of a blood supply and the hyaloid artery usually regresses. Its proximal portion remains as the central artery of the retina. Regression of the hyaloid artery leaves a clear central zone through the vitreous called the hyaloid canal or Cloquet's canal. Occasionally the artery may not fully regress, resulting in the condition persistent hyaloid artery. More commonly, small remnants of the artery may remain. Free remnants can sometimes be seen as 'floaters'. An anterior remnant of the hyaloid artery can be seen in some people as Mittendorf's dot, a small pinpoint-like scar on the posterior surface of the lens. A posterior remnant may be seen where the artery left the optic disc, and is known as Bergmeister's papilla

depicted by


has related synonym

hyaloid arteries, central artery of retina, Cloquets canal, Cloquet's canal




Hyaloid artery

present in taxon
