hyoid bone greater horn

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0003997

The larger and more lateral of the paired processes on either side of the hyoid bone[MP]. [ MP:0009913 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_cornu ]

Synonyms: greater cornua, greater horn of hyoid bone, greater cornu, cornu majus, cornua majora, cornu majus ossis hyoidei, tyrohal, greater horn of hyoid, greater horn, tyrohals

Term info



UBPROP 0000001

The greater cornua (or greater horns) of the hyoid bone project backward from the lateral borders of the body; they are flattened from above downward and diminish in size from before backward; each ends in a tubercle to which is fixed the lateral hyothyroid ligament. The upper surface is rough close to its lateral border, for muscular attachments: the largest of these are the origins of the hyoglossus and Constrictor pharyngis medius which extend along the whole length of the cornu; the digastric muscle and stylohyoid muscle have small insertions in front of these near the junction of the body with the cornu. To the medial border the hyothyroid membrane is attached, while the anterior half of the lateral border gives insertion to the thyrohyoid. The greater cornua derive from the 3rd pharyngeal arches[Wikipedia:Greater_cornu].

UBPROP 0000008

In humans, the greater cornua are the larger, more lateral projections from the left and right borders of the body of hyoid bone. They are in contrast to the lesser cornua, which also occur in pairs but are comparatively smaller and conical in shape. The greater cornua are derived from the third pharyngeal arches.

has related synonym

hyoid bone upper horn, greater horn of the hyoid, greater cornua, epibranchial of gill arch I, hyoid bone long horn, epibranchial, posterior horn of hyoid, hyoid bone greater cornu, second horn of hyoid, hyoid bone superior horn, epibranchial of pharyngeal arch III




hyoid bone greater horn, Greater horn