dorsal pancreatic duct

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0005429

A pancreatic duct that develops from the dorsal pancreatic bud. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessory_pancreatic_duct ]

Synonyms: accessory pancreatic duct, Santorini's duct, duct of Santorini

Term info

database cross reference


UBPROP 0000003

These data show that ducts within the zebrafish pancreas originally arise in situ from isolated progenitor cells rather than arising from reiterative branching of the pancreatic epithelium. This process of pancreatic duct formation in zebrafish may be analogous to the mechanism of duct formation in the mammalian mammary and salivary glands. (...) A related mechanism of duct formation has also been proposed to occur within the mammalian pancreatic epithelium.[uncertain][VHOG]

UBPROP 0000008

Most humans have just one pancreatic duct. However, some have an additional accessory pancreatic duct also called the Duct of Santorini, which connects straight to the duodenum at the minor duodenal papilla. Both these ducts connect to the second part (the vertical one) of the duodenum. However, the Duct of Santorini, which bypasses the Ampulla of Vater, is non-functional whereas the Duct of Wirsung is functional and carries the digestive enzymes released by the pancreas. It is named for Giovanni Domenico Santorini

depicted by


has related synonym

ductus pancreatis dorsalis, accessory pancreatic duct of santorini, pancreatic duct of santorini, ductus pancreaticus accessorius

has alternative id





Accessory pancreatic duct

present in taxon


Term relations