mammary gland myoepithelium

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0006954

The outer cell layer of the mammary gland epithelium bilayer which is located basal to the luminal (secretory) cells and adjacent to the basement membrane. [ http://www.informatics.jax.org/accession/anna ]

Synonyms: myoepithelium of lactiferous duct, mammary myoepithelium, myo-epithelium of lactiferous duct, lactiferous ductal myo-epithelium

Term info

database cross reference
UBPROP 0000010

The cells of this structure are specialized epithelial cells that express smooth muscle-specific contractile and cytoskeletal properties; during lactation, MECs contract in response to oxytocin to generate the contractile force required for milk ejection; MECs are involved in all developmental stages of mammary gland morphogenesis, modulating proliferation and differentiation of luminal cells; they take part in the formation of extracellular matrix, synthesizing its components and secreting proteinases and their inhibitors; in addition, MECs are regarded as natural cancer suppressors: they secrete suppressor proteins limiting cancer growth, invasiveness, and neoangiogenesis; MECs are markedly resistant to malignant transformation and they are able to suppress the transformation of neighboring luminal cells[MP]




Myo-epithelium of lactiferous duct