superficial external pudendal artery
An artery that arises from the medial side of the femoral artery, close to the superficial epigastric artery and superficial iliac circumflex artery. [ ]
Synonyms: arteriae pudendales externa superficialis, superficial external pudic artery, arteriae pudendae externa superficialis
Term info
- FMA:20738
- Wikipedia:Superficial_external_pudendal_artery
- SCTID:47954000
After piercing the femoral sheath and fascia cribrosa, it courses medialward, across the spermatic cord (or round ligament in the female), to be distributed to the integument on the lower part of the abdomen, the penis and scrotum in the male, and the labium majus in the female, anastomosing with branches of the internal pudendal artery. it crosses superficial to the inguinal ligament[WP]
arteria pudenda externa superficialis
Superficial external pudendal artery
Term relations
- external pudendal artery
- systemic artery
- part of some vasculature of integument
- branching part of some femoral artery
- part of some femoral artery
- supplies some external genitalia