palatine torus

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0013068

A bony protuberance sometimes found on the hard palate at the junction of the intermaxillary suture and the transverse palatine suture. [ http://palaeos.com/vertebrates/glossary/glossaryP.html ]

Synonyms: torus palatinus

Term info

UBPROP 0000013

In accordance with the N. A. 'Torus palatinus' denotes a median low ridge on the oral surface of the Palatum osseum. Crista palatina, however, refers in the N. A. to a transverse crest, which is present among domestic mammals only occasionally in the pig. See Os palatinum.[NOMINA ANATOMICA VETERINARIA (2005)]

has related synonym

crista palatina




Palatine torus