All terms in HCAO

Label Id Description
cell quiescence GO_0044838 [A specialized resting state that cells enter in response to cues from the cell's environment. Quiescence is characterized by the absence of cell growth and division, by a reprogramming of global gene expression, and by changes characteristic of the organism and specific cell type. Depending on external conditions, quiescence may persist until cell death or cells may resume cell growth and division. In some cell types or under certain conditions, cellular metabolism may proceed.]
cell cycle phase GO_0022403 [One of the distinct periods or stages into which the cell cycle is divided. Each phase is characterized by the occurrence of specific biochemical and morphological events.]
oculomotor nuclear complex UBERON_0001715 [Nuclear complex containing subnuclei that give rise to the axons of the occulomotor nerve, both motor and parasympathetic fibers, situated at the midline at the level of the superior colliculus in the midbrain tegmentum (Brodal, Neurological Anatomy, 3rd ed., 1981, pg 533-534).]
gray matter of midbrain UBERON_0019267
nuclear complex of neuraxis UBERON_0007245 [Gray matter of the central nervous system which is a collection of clustered nuclei.]
midbrain tegmentum UBERON_0001943 [Ventral part of the midbrain, separated from the hindbrain by the isthmus[ISBN:0471888893]. Subdivision of the midbrain lying anterior to the tectum and posterior to the substantia nigra and cerebral peduncle[FMA] The part of the midbrain extending from the substantia nigra to the cerebral aqueduct in a horizontal section of the midbrain. It forms the floor of the midbrain that surrounds the cerebral aqueduct[WP].]
secondary palate UBERON_0001716 [The part of the palate formed from the fusion of the two palatine shelves, extensions of the maxillary prominences.]
neural crest-derived structure UBERON_0010313 [An anatomical structure that develops from the neural crest.]
roof of mouth UBERON_0007375 [A multi-tissue structure consisting of bone and soft tissue that forms a part of the roof of the oral cavity. In mammals this is the combination of the primary palate (premaxilla) and the secondary palate. In early tetrapods it consists of the vomer, pterygoid, parasphenoid, palatine and ectopterygoid bones.]
Amniota NCBITaxon_32524
secondary palatal shelf UBERON_0005619 [The outgrowths of the embryonic maxillary prominences that come together during prenatal development to form the secondary palate.]
nasal cavity UBERON_0001707 [An anatomical cavity that is part of the olfactory apparatus. This includes the space bounded anteriorly by the nares and posteriorly by the choanae, when these structures are present.]
oral cavity UBERON_0000167 [Anatomical cavity at the start of the digestive tract that that is enclosed by the mouth. The boundaries and contents vary depending on the species. In vertebrates, the boundaries are the oral opening, the cheeks, the palate and (if present) the palatoglossal arch - if this is not present then the mouth and pharynx form the oropharyngeal cavity. The buccal cavity contains the teeth, tongue and palate (when present).]
upper jaw region UBERON_0001709 [Subdivision of head that consists of the upper jaw skeletal elements plus associated soft tissue (skin, lips, muscle)[cjm].]
spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve UBERON_0001717 [Nucleus extending from the upper spinal cord through the pontine tegmentum that receives sensory inputs from the trigeminal nerve. It is continuous caudally with the dorsal gray matter of the spinal cord.]
trigeminal sensory nucleus UBERON_0004132 [The sensory trigeminal nerve nuclei are the largest of the cranial nerve nuclei, and extend through the whole of the midbrain, pons and medulla. The nucleus is divided into three parts, from rostral to caudal (top to bottom in humans): * The mesencephalic nucleus * The chief sensory nucleus (or pontine nucleus or main sensory nucleus or primary nucleus) * The spinal trigeminal nucleus[WP].]
mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve UBERON_0001718 [Elongated nucleus located in the midbrain tegmentum that receives proprioceptive input from both teh extraocular and the masticatory muscles. Contrary to the general rule, the cell bodies that give rise to these sensory fibers are located within the mesencephalic nucleus rather than in a peripheral ganglion. Some of the sensory fibers in the mesencephalic root give off collaterals to the trigeminal motor nucleus, thereby providing the anatomic basis for the monosynaptic jaw reflex. (Heimer, L. The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd ed. 1996, page 248).]
brainstem nucleus UBERON_0006331 [A nucleus of brain that is part of a brainstem.]
midbrain nucleus UBERON_0009661 [Nucleus located in the midbrain.]
nucleus of midbrain tegmentum UBERON_0007414 [A nucleus of brain that spans a midbrain tegmentum.]