All terms in HCAO

Label Id Description
glossopharyngeal nerve UBERON_0001649 [Cranial nerve that branches into the ramus communicans (to the skin), the pretrematic (to the walls of the pharynx and mouth, viscero-sensory fibers), and the larval post-trematic branch (lost in the adult).]
petrosal placode UBERON_0009125 [Epibranchial placode between geniculate and nodose. Associated with 2nd branchial cleft.]
glossopharyngeal neural crest UBERON_0005491 [Cranial neural crest which gives rise to the glossopharyngeal ganglion.]
eyelash UBERON_0001702 [Any of the hairs that grow at the edge of the upper or lower eyelid.]
strand of hair UBERON_0001037 [A filament, mostly protein, that grows from follicles found in the dermis[WP].]
neurocranium UBERON_0001703 [Subdivision of skeletal system that surrounds and protects the brain. Includes the skull base, sensory capsules and the central part of the skull roof.]
primary subdivision of skull UBERON_0011158 [The skull can be divided into two: the neurocranium and the facial skeleton.]
brain UBERON_0000955 [The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate, and most invertebrate, animals. Some primitive animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. In vertebrates, the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell[WP].]
cartilaginous neurocranium UBERON_0004761 [The primitive cartilagionous skeletal structure of the fetal skull that grows to envelop the rapidly growing embyonic brain. In humans, the chondrocranium begins forming at 28 days from mesenchymal condensations and is fully formed between week 7 and 9 of fetal development. While the majority of the chondrocranium is succeeded by the bony skull in most higher vertebrates, some components do persist into adulthood.[1] In Cartilagious fishes and Agnathans, the chondrocranium persist throughout life.[2] Embryologically, the chondrocranium represent the basal cranial structure, and lay the base for the formation of the endocranium in higher vertebrates[WP].]
cranium UBERON_0003128 [Upper portion of the skull that excludes the mandible (when present in the organism).]
carbohydrate binding GO_0030246 [Binding to a carbohydrate, which includes monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides as well as substances derived from monosaccharides by reduction of the carbonyl group (alditols), by oxidation of one or more hydroxy groups to afford the corresponding aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, or by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by a hydrogen atom. Cyclitols are generally not regarded as carbohydrates.]
carbohydrate CHEBI_16646 [Any member of the class of organooxygen compounds that is a polyhydroxy-aldehyde or -ketone or a lactol resulting from their intramolecular condensation (monosaccharides); substances derived from these by reduction of the carbonyl group (alditols), by oxidation of one or more hydroxy groups to afford the corresponding aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, or by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by a hydrogen atom; and polymeric products arising by intermolecular acetal formation between two or more such molecules (disaccharides, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides). Carbohydrates contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms; prior to any oxidation or reduction, most have the empirical formula Cm(H2O)n. Compounds obtained from carbohydrates by substitution, etc., are known as carbohydrate derivatives and may contain other elements. Cyclitols are generally not regarded as carbohydrates.]
polysaccharide binding GO_0030247 [Binding to a polysaccharide, a polymer of many (typically more than 10) monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically.]
polysaccharide CHEBI_18154 [A biomacromolecule consisting of large numbers of monosaccharide residues linked glycosidically. This term is commonly used only for those containing more than ten monosaccharide residues.]
response to chemical GO_0042221 [Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a chemical stimulus.]
chemical entity CHEBI_24431 [A chemical entity is a physical entity of interest in chemistry including molecular entities, parts thereof, and chemical substances.]
jaw skeleton UBERON_0001708 [Subdivision of skeleton which includes upper and lower jaw skeletons.]
subdivision of skeleton UBERON_0010912 [Anatomical cluster consisting of the skeletal elements (i.e. bone elements, cartilage elements, cartilage condensations) that are part of an individual subdivision of the organism. Excludes joints.]
chewing NBO_0000073 [The act of repeated grinding, tearing, and or crushing with teeth or jaws [NBO:SMAC]]
facial skeleton UBERON_0011156 [Subdivision of skull that consists of the facial bones.]