All terms in HCAO

Label Id Description
subscapular axillary lymph node UBERON_0037500 [An axillary lymph node that is placed along the lower margin of the posterior wall of the axilla in the course of the subscapular artery.]
auditory ossicle cartilage element UBERON_0035131
auditory ossicle pre-cartilage element UBERON_0035132
pre-cartilage condensation UBERON_0005866 [A delimited region of dense mesenchyme within looser mesenchyme whose cells are committed to become chondroblasts.]
right pectoral axillary lymph node UBERON_0037795
pectoral axillary lymph node UBERON_0037501 [An axiallary lymph node along the lower border of the Pectoralis minor, in relation with the lateral thoracic artery. Their afferents drain the skin and muscles of the anterior and lateral thoracic walls, and the central and lateral parts of the mamma; their efferents pass partly to the central and partly to the subclavicular groups of axillary glands.]
ventral tubercle of humerus UBERON_0011187 [The greater tubercle of the humerus is situated lateral to the head of the humerus and posteriolateral to the lesser tubercle. Its upper surface is rounded and marked by three flat impressions. the highest of these gives ('superior facet') insertion to the Supraspinatus the middle ('middle facet') to the Infraspinatus. the lowest one ('inferior facet'), and the body of the bone for about 2.5 cm. below it, to the Teres minor. The lateral surface of the greater tubercle is convex, rough, and continuous with the lateral surface of the body. Between the greater tubercle and the lesser tubercle is the intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove).]
tubercle UBERON_0005813 [A round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth on an anatomical surface, such as bones, skin, or within the lungs (in the case of tuberculosis). They are also found on the leading edge of Humpback Whale's flippers, improving fluid flow over the flipper's surface[WP].]
proximal epiphysis of humerus UBERON_0004411 [The upper extremity of the humerus (proximal humerus) consists of a large rounded head joined to the body by a constricted portion called the neck, and two eminences, the greater and lesser tubercles.]
left subscapular axillary lymph node UBERON_0037794
longitudinal arch of pes UBERON_0035133 [A curved region of the skeleton of the pes (foot) formed by the tarsal and metatarsal bones.]
metatarsus skeleton UBERON_0010545 [Limb segment that consists of the long bones of the pes. The metatarsals are analogous to the metacarpal bones of the manus.]
tarsal skeleton UBERON_0009879 [Subdivision of skeleton that consists of endochondral elements distal to the zeugopodial skeletal elements which constitute the proximal region of the posterior autopod skeleton[PHENOSCAPE:ad].]
arched PATO_0001594 [A concave quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's forming or resembling an arch.]
lesser tubercle of humerus UBERON_0011188 [The lesser tubercle of the humerus, although smaller, is more prominent than the greater tubercle: it is situated in front, and is directed medially and anteriorly. Above and in front it presents an impression for the insertion of the tendon of the Subscapularis.]
right central axillary lymph node UBERON_0037797
central axillary lymph node UBERON_0037502 [An axillary lymph node that is imbedded in the adipose tissue near the base of the axilla.]
gastrointestinal sphincter UBERON_0011185 [A sphincter muscle that is part of the gastrointestinal system.]
NCBITaxon_Union_0000023 NCBITaxon_Union_0000023
left pectoral axillary lymph node UBERON_0037796