Cogwheel rigidity

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0002396

A type of rigidity in which a muscle responds with cogwheellike jerks to the use of constant force in bending the limb (i.e., it gives way in little, repeated jerks when the muscle is passively stretched). [ HPO:probinson ]

Term info

database cross reference
  • UMLS:C0151564
  • SNOMEDCT_US:55630000
  • MSH:D009127

Cogwheel rigidity is a typical manifestation of Parkinson disease.


A type of rigidity in which a muscle responds with cogwheellike jerks to the use of constant force in bending the limb (i.e., it gives way in little, repeated jerks when the muscle is passively stretched).



Term relations

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