Ocular anterior segment dysgenesis

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HP_0007700

Abnormal development (dysgenesis) of the anterior segment of the eye globe. These structures are mainly of mesenchymal origin. [ DDD:ncarter ]

Term info

database cross reference
  • UMLS:C0266525
  • SNOMEDCT_US:65075004

In anterior segment mesenchymal ocular dysgenesis (ASMOD), multiple tissues are affected, including the iris, cornea, and lens as well as the Schlemm's canal and trabecular meshwork drainage structures located at the anterior segment angle where the iris and cornea meet. These abnormalities may result from a primary defect in the migration and/or differentiation of the mesenchymal cells that contribute to development of the cornea, iris, and drainage structures.


Abnormal development (dysgenesis) of the anterior segment of the eye globe. These structures are mainly of mesenchymal origin.

has alternative id

HP:0008040, HP:0007696, HP:0007699

has exact synonym

Anterior segment ocular dysgenesis, Anterior chamber mesodermal anomalies, Anterior chamber cleavage defect, Anterior segment dysgenesis, Anterior segment developmental abnormality, Anterior chamber cleavage disorder, Anterior segment mesencyhmal dysgenesis, Anterior chamber malformation



Term relations