basal cell neoplasm

^ http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0020799

A neoplastic proliferation of basal cells in the epidermis (part of the skin) or other anatomic sites (most frequently the salivary glands). The basal cell neoplastic proliferation in the epidermis results in basal cell carcinomas. The basal cell neoplastic proliferation in the salivary glands can be benign, resulting in basal cell adenomas or malignant, resulting in basal cell adenocarcinomas. [ NCIT:C3784 ]

Term info

database cross reference
  • NCIT:C3784 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
  • SCTID:127570002 (MONDO:equivalentTo)
  • ICDO:8090/1 (NCIT:C3784)
  • MESH:D018295 (MONDO:equivalentTo)

A neoplastic proliferation of basal cells in the epidermis (part of the skin) or other anatomic sites (most frequently the salivary glands). The basal cell neoplastic proliferation in the epidermis results in basal cell carcinomas. The basal cell neoplastic proliferation in the salivary glands can be benign, resulting in basal cell adenomas or malignant, resulting in basal cell adenocarcinomas.


http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/NCIT_C3784, http://identifiers.org/snomedct/127570002, http://identifiers.org/mesh/D018295

has exact synonym

basal cell tumor

has related synonym

neoplasm, basal cell



Term relations

Subclass of: