All properties in EDAM

Label Id Description
Citation citation ['Citation' concept property ('citation' metadata tag) contains a dereferenceable URI, preferrably including a DOI, pointing to a citeable publication of the given data format.]
Created in created_in [Version in which a concept was created.]
Documentation documentation ['Documentation' trailing modifier (qualifier, 'documentation') of 'xref' links of 'Format' concepts. When 'true', the link is pointing to a page with explanation, description, documentation, or specification of the given data format.]
Example example ['Example' concept property ('example' metadata tag) lists examples of valid values of types of identifiers (accessions). Applicable to some other types of data, too.]
File extension file_extension ['File extension' concept property ('file_extension' metadata tag) lists examples of usual file extensions of formats.]
Information standard information_standard ['Information standard' trailing modifier (qualifier, 'information_standard') of 'xref' links of 'Format' concepts. When 'true', the link is pointing to an information standard supported by the given data format.]
Media type media_type ['Media type' trailing modifier (qualifier, 'media_type') of 'xref' links of 'Format' concepts. When 'true', the link is pointing to a page specifying a media type of the given data format.]
Obsolete since obsolete_since [Version in which a concept was made obsolete.]
Old parent oldParent [EDAM concept URI of the erstwhile "parent" of a now deprecated concept.]
Old related oldRelated [EDAM concept URI of an erstwhile related concept (by has_input, has_output, has_topic, is_format_of, etc.) of a now deprecated concept.]
Ontology used ontology_used ['Ontology used' concept property ('ontology_used' metadata tag) of format concepts links to a domain ontology that is used inside the given data format, or contains a note about ontology use within the format.]
Organisation organisation ['Organisation' trailing modifier (qualifier, 'organisation') of 'xref' links of 'Format' concepts. When 'true', the link is pointing to an organisation that developed, standardised, and maintains the given data format.]
Regular expression regex ['Regular expression' concept property ('regex' metadata tag) specifies the allowed values of types of identifiers (accessions). Applicable to some other types of data, too.]
Repository repository ['Repository' trailing modifier (qualifier, 'repository') of 'xref' links of 'Format' concepts. When 'true', the link is pointing to the public source-code repository where the given data format is developed or maintained.]
SubsetProperty SubsetProperty
TopObjectProperty TopObjectProperty
Version Version
comment comment
comment comment
comment_handle comment_handle