All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Nucleic acid sequence (raw) data_2975 [A raw nucleic acid sequence.]
Affymetrix probe sets information library file data_1643 [Affymetrix library file of information about the probe sets such as the gene name with which the probe set is associated.]
Affymetrix probe sets library file data_1642 [Affymetrix library file of information about which probes belong to which probe set.]
Protein hydropathy data data_2970 [A report on protein properties concerning hydropathy.]
Workflow data data_2971 [Data concerning a computational workflow.]
Open Annotation format format_3784 [A format of text annotation using the linked-data Open Annotation Data Model, serialised typically in RDF or JSON-LD.]
RDF format format_2376 [A serialisation format conforming to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) model.]
Annotated text format format_3780 [Data format of an annotated text, e.g. with recognised entities, concepts, and relations.]
JSON-LD format_3749 [JSON-LD, or JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data, is a method of encoding Linked Data using JSON.]
PubTator format format_3783 [Native textual export format of annotated scientific text from PubTator.]
BioNLP Shared Task format format_3785 [A family of similar formats of text annotation, used by BRAT and other tools, known as BioNLP Shared Task format (BioNLP 2009 Shared Task on Event Extraction, BioNLP Shared Task 2011, BioNLP Shared Task 2013), BRAT format, BRAT standoff format, and similar.]
Annotated text data_3779 [A text (such as a scientific article), annotated with notes, data and metadata, such as recognised entities, concepts, and their relations.]
BioC format_3782 [BioC is a standardised XML format for sharing and integrating text data and annotations.]
PubAnnotation format format_3781 [JSON format of annotated scientific text used by PubAnnotations and other tools.]
JSON format_3464 [JavaScript Object Notation format; a lightweight, text-based format to represent tree-structured data using key-value pairs.]
SQL format_3788 [SQL (Structured Query Language) is the de-facto standard query language (format of queries) for querying and manipulating data in relational databases.]
Query language format_3787 [A query language (format) for structured database queries.]
Query script data_3786 [A structured query, in form of a script, that defines a database search task.]
XQuery format_3789 [XQuery (XML Query) is a query language (format of queries) for querying and manipulating structured and unstructured data, usually in the form of XML, text, and with vendor-specific extensions for other data formats (JSON, binary, etc.).]
Signal transduction pathway report data_1659 [A report typically including a map (diagram) of a signal transduction pathway.]