All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
DASGFF format_1978 [DAS GFF (XML) feature format.]
Sequence feature table format (XML) format_2553 [XML format for a sequence feature table.]
debug-feat format_1979 [EMBOSS debugging trace feature format of full internal data content.]
Sequence feature annotation format format_1920 [Data format for molecular sequence feature information.]
NCBI format format_1972 [NCBI FASTA sequence format with NCBI-style IDs.]
nexusnon format_1973 [Nexus/paup non-interleaved sequence format.]
GFF2 format_1974 [General Feature Format (GFF) of sequence features.]
GFF format_2305 [GFF feature format (of indeterminate version).]
GFF3 format_1975 [Generic Feature Format version 3 (GFF3) of sequence features.]
Molecular weights standard fingerprint data_1646 [Standard protonated molecular masses from trypsin (modified porcine trypsin, Promega) and keratin peptides, used in EMBOSS.]
Protein sequence data_2976 [One or more protein sequences, possibly with associated annotation.]
Sequence data_2044 [One or more molecular sequences, possibly with associated annotation.]
debug-seq format_1969 [EMBOSS debugging trace sequence format of full internal data content.]
Nucleic acid sequence data_2977 [One or more nucleic acid sequences, possibly with associated annotation.]
Reaction data data_2978 [Data concerning a biochemical reaction, typically data and more general annotation on the kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reaction.]
Peptide property data_2979 [Data concerning small peptides.]
Molecular property data_2087 [A report on the physical (e.g. structural) or chemical properties of molecules, or parts of a molecule.]
Workflow data_2972 [A computational workflow.]
Secondary structure data data_2973 [Data concerning molecular secondary structure data.]
Protein sequence (raw) data_2974 [A raw protein sequence (string of characters).]