All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Linkage disequilibrium (report) data_1634 [A report on linkage disequilibrium; the non-random association of alleles or polymorphisms at two or more loci (not necessarily on the same chromosome).]
Metagenomics topic_3174 [The study of genetic material recovered from environmental samples, and associated environmental data.]
Ecology topic_0610 [The ecological and environmental sciences and especially the application of information technology (ecoinformatics).]
2D PAGE gel report data_2965 [An informative report on a two-dimensional (2D PAGE) gel.]
Oligonucleotide probe sets annotation data_2966 [General annotation on a set of oligonucleotide probes, such as the gene name with which the probe set is associated and which probes belong to the set.]
Microarray image data_2967 [An image from a microarray experiment which (typically) allows a visualisation of probe hybridisation and gene-expression data.]
ChIP-on-chip topic_3179 [Experimental techniques that combine chromatin immunoprecipitation ('ChIP') with microarray ('chip'). ChIP-on-chip is used for high-throughput study protein-DNA interactions.]
RNA-Seq alignment topic_3178 [The alignment of sequences of (typically millions) of short reads to a reference genome. This is a specialised topic within sequence alignment, especially because of complications arising from RNA splicing.]
Gene regulatory network report data_2961 [A report typically including a map (diagram) of a gene regulatory network.]
Epigenomics topic_3173 [The study of the epigenetic modifications of a whole cell, tissue, organism etc.]
Epigenetics topic_3295 [Topic concerning the study of heritable changes, for example in gene expression or phenotype, caused by mechanisms other than changes in the DNA sequence.]
Metabolomics topic_3172 [The systematic study of metabolites, the chemical processes they are involved, and the chemical fingerprints of specific cellular processes in a whole cell, tissue, organ or organism.]
Omics topic_3391 [The collective characterisation and quantification of pools of biological molecules that translate into the structure, function, and dynamics of an organism or organisms.]
DNA methylation topic_3171 [DNA methylation including bisulfite sequencing, methylation sites and analysis, for example of patterns and profiles of DNA methylation in a population, tissue etc.]
Nucleic acid temperature profile data_2960 [A temperature profile of a double-stranded nucleic acid molecule (DNA or DNA/RNA).]
RNA-Seq topic_3170 [A topic concerning high-throughput sequencing of cDNA to measure the RNA content (transcriptome) of a sample, for example, to investigate how different alleles of a gene are expressed, detect post-transcriptional mutations or identify gene fusions.]
jackknifernon format_1970 [Jackknifer output sequence non-interleaved format.]
meganon sequence format format_1971 [Mega non-interleaved output sequence format.]
pir format_1976 [PIR feature format.]
swiss feature format_1977 [Swiss-Prot feature format.]