All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Score data_1772 [A numerical value, that is some type of scored value arising for example from a prediction method.]
Sequence alignment data_0863 [Alignment of multiple molecular sequences.]
BioJSON (BioXSD) format_3772 [BioJSON is a BioXSD-schema-based JSON format of sequence-based data and some other common data - sequence records, alignments, feature records, references to resources, and more - optimised for integrative bioinformatics, web applications and APIs, and object-oriented programming.]
GSuite format_3775 [GSuite is a tabular format for collections of genome or sequence feature tracks, suitable for integrative multi-track analysis. GSuite contains links to genome/sequence tracks, with additional metadata.]
BioJSON (Jalview) format_3774 [BioJSON is a JSON format of single multiple sequence alignments, with their annotations, features, and custom visualisation and application settings for the Jalview workbench.]
UniProtKB RDF format_3771 [UniProtKB RDF sequence features format is an RDF format available for downloading UniProt entries (in RDF/XML).]
uniprotkb-like format format_2547 [A sequence format resembling uniprotkb entry format.]
UniProtKB XML format_3770 [UniProtKB XML sequence features format is an XML format available for downloading UniProt entries.]
Primers topic_0922 [PCR primers and hybridisation oligos in a nucleic acid sequence.]
MCPD format_3777 [The FAO/Bioversity/IPGRI Multi-Crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD) is an international standard format for exchange of germplasm information.]
Reference sample report data_3567 [A report about a biosample.]
Organism report data_2530 [A human-readable collection of information about a specific organism.]
Sample annotation data_3113 [Annotation on a biological sample, for example experimental factors and their values.]
BTrack format_3776 [BTrack is an HDF5-based binary format for genome or sequence feature tracks and their collections, suitable for integrative multi-track analysis. BTrack is a binary, compressed alternative to the GTrack and GSuite formats.]
Sequence annotation track format format_2919 [Format of a sequence annotation track.]
Sequence feature table format format_2548 [Format for a sequence feature table.]
P-value data_1669 [The P-value is the probability of obtaining by random chance a result that is at least as extreme as an observed result, assuming a NULL hypothesis is true.]
Statistical estimate score data_0951 [A value representing estimated statistical significance of some observed data; typically sequence database hits.]
Z-value data_1668 [The z-value is the number of standard deviations a data value is above or below a mean value.]
E-value data_1667 [A simple floating point number defining the lower or upper limit of an expectation value (E-value).]