All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Phylogenetic character weights data_2994 [Weights for sequence positions or characters in phylogenetic analysis where zero is defined as unweighted.]
Phylogenetic data data_2523 [Data concerning phylogeny, typically of molecular sequences, including reports of information concerning or derived from a phylogenetic tree, or from comparing two or more phylogenetic trees.]
Drug structure relationship map data_1662 [A report typically including a map (diagram) of drug structure relationships.]
Disease pathway or network report data_1661 [disease pathways, typically of human disease.]
Cellular process pathways report data_1660 [Topic concernning cellular process pathways.]
Protein geometry data data_2991 [Geometry data for a protein structure, for example bond lengths, bond angles, torsion angles, chiralities, planaraties etc.]
MIRIAM datatype data_1664 [An entry (data type) from the Minimal Information Requested in the Annotation of Biochemical Models (MIRIAM) database of data resources.]
Protein structure image data_2992 [An image of protein structure.]
Protein image data_3153 [An image of a protein.]
Structure image data_1710 [Image of one or more molecular tertiary (3D) structures.]
Protein interaction networks data_1663 [networks of protein interactions.]
STRIDE log file data_1680 [STRIDE log file.]
DaliLite log file data_1679 [DaliLite log file describing all the steps taken by a DaliLite alignment of two protein structures.]
Tool log data_1678 [A report of tool-specific metadata on some analysis or process performed, for example a log of diagnostic or error messages.]
Swiss-Prot to PDB mapping data_1673 [Cross-mapping of Swiss-Prot codes to PDB identifiers.]
CATH version information data_1672 [Information on a version of the CATH database.]
Tool version information data_1671 [Information on an application version, for example name, version number and release date.]
Database version information data_1670 [Information on a database (or ontology) version, for example name, version number and release date.]
Job type data_1677 [A label (text token) describing the type of job, for example interactive or non-interactive.]
Job ID data_1676 [The (typically numeric) unique identifier of a submitted job.]