All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Job status data_1675 [Metadata on the status of a submitted job.]
Sequence database cross-references data_1674 [Cross-references from a sequence record to other databases.]
Email address data_1691 [A valid email address of an end-user.]
User ID data_2101 [An identifier of a software end-user (typically a person).]
Password data_1690 [A password on a computer system.]
SPARQL format_3790 [SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) is a semantic query language for querying and manipulating data stored in Resource Description Framework (RDF) format.]
Username data_1689 [A username on a computer system.]
EMBOSS sites log file data_1684 [EMBOSS (EMBASSY) sites application log file.]
EMBOSS domainatrix log file data_1683 [EMBOSS (EMBASSY) domainatrix application log file.]
EMBOSS wordfinder log file data_1682 [EMBOSS wordfinder log file.]
NACCESS log file data_1681 [NACCESS log file.]
EMBOSS vectorstrip log file data_1688 [EMBOSS vectorstrip log file.]
EMBOSS whichdb log file data_1687 [EMBOSS megamerger log file.]
EMBOSS megamerger log file data_1686 [EMBOSS megamerger log file.]
EMBOSS supermatcher error file data_1685 [EMBOSS (EMBASSY) supermatcher error file.]
Linked data format format_3748 [A linked data format enables publishing structured data as linked data (Linked Data), so that the data can be interlinked and become more useful through semantic queries.]
protXML format_3747 [A format for storage, exchange, and processing of protein identifications created from ms/ms-derived peptide sequence data.]
BIOM format format_3746 [The BIological Observation Matrix (BIOM) is a format for representing biological sample by observation contingency tables in broad areas of comparative omics. The primary use of this format is to represent OTU tables and metagenome tables.]
Hit sort order data_1695 [Controls the order of hits (reported matches) in an output file from a database search.]
Number of output entities data_1694 [Number of entities (for example database hits, sequences, alignments etc) to write to an output file.]