All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Data resource definition ID data_1084 [Identifier of a data type definition from some provider.]
Structure analysis topic_0081 [The curation, processing, analysis and prediction of data about the structure of biological molecules, typically proteins and nucleic acids and other macromolecules.]
Structure prediction topic_0082 [The prediction of molecular structure, including the prediction, modelling, recognition or design of protein secondary or tertiary structure or other structural features, and the folding of nucleic acid molecules and the prediction or design of nucleic acid (typically RNA) sequences with specific conformations.]
Sequence analysis topic_0080 [The archival, processing and analysis of molecular sequences (monomer composition of polymers) including molecular sequence data resources, sequence sites, alignments, motifs and profiles.]
match format_1990 [Alignment format for start and end of matches between sequence pairs.]
Alignment format (text) format_2554 [Text format for molecular sequence alignment information.]
Textual format format_2330 [Textual format.]
mega format_1991 [Mega format for (typically aligned) sequences.]
mega variant format_2923 [Some variant of Mega format for (typically aligned) sequences.]
meganon format_1992 [Mega non-interleaved format for (typically aligned) sequences.]
msf alignment format format_1993 [MSF format for (aligned) sequences.]
PHYLIP sequential format_1998 [Phylip non-interleaved format for (aligned) sequences.]
Phylip format variant format_2924 [Some variant of Phylip format for (aligned) sequences.]
Protein topological domains topic_3118 [Topological domains such as cytoplasmic regions in a protein.]
scores format format_1999 [Alignment format for score values for pairs of sequences.]
nexus alignment format format_1994 [Nexus/paup format for (aligned) sequences.]
nexusnon alignment format format_1995 [Nexus/paup non-interleaved format for (aligned) sequences.]
pair format_1996 [EMBOSS simple sequence pair alignment format.]
PHYLIP format format_1997 [Phylip format for (aligned) sequences.]
Sequence features metadata data_2914 [Metadata on sequence features.]