All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Data data_0006 [Information, represented in an information artefact (data record) that is 'understandable' by dedicated computational tools that can use the data as input or produce it as output.]
Gramene identifier data_2915 [Identifier of a Gramene database entry.]
Accession data_2091 [A persistent (stable) and unique identifier, typically identifying an object (entry) from a database.]
Sequence accession (protein) data_1096 [Accession number of a protein sequence database entry.]
Nucleic acid structure analysis topic_0097 [The archival, curation, processing and analysis of nucleic acid structural information, such as whole structures, structural features and alignments, and associated annotation.]
Nucleic acids topic_0077 [The processing and analysis of nucleic acid sequence, structural and other data.]
DDBJ accession data_2916 [An identifier of an entry from the DDBJ sequence database.]
EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ ID data_1103 [Identifier of a (nucleic acid) entry from the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.]
Protein variants topic_3120 [Protein sequence variants produced e.g. from alternative splicing, alternative promoter usage, alternative initiation and ribosomal frameshifting.]
Protein expression topic_0108 [The translation of mRNA into protein and subsequent protein processing in the cell.]
Nucleic acid thermodynamics topic_0094 [The study of the thermodynamic properties of a nucleic acid.]
ConsensusPathDB identifier data_2917 [An identifier of an entity from the ConsensusPathDB database.]
Identifier (hybrid) data_2109 [An identifier that is re-used for data objects of fundamentally different types (typically served from a single database).]
Protein family accession data_2910 [Accession of a protein family (that is deposited in a database).]
Protein family identifier data_1075 [Identifier of a protein family.]
Nucleic acid repeats topic_3126 [Repetitive elements within a nucleic acid sequence.]
Transcription factor accession data_2911 [Accession of an entry from a database of transcription factors or binding sites.]
Transcription factor identifier data_1077 [Identifier of a transcription factor (or a TF binding site).]
DNA binding sites topic_3125 [Nucleic acids binding to some other molecule.]
Nucleic acid sites, features and motifs topic_3511 [The biology, archival, detection, prediction and analysis of positional features such as functional and other key sites, in nucleic acid sequences and the conserved patterns (motifs, profiles etc.) that may be used to describe them.]