All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Medicines research and development topic_3376 [The discovery, development and approval of medicines.]
CpG island and isochores topic_1304 [CpG rich regions (isochores) in a nucleotide sequence.]
PolyA signal or sites topic_1302 [Regions or sites in a eukaryotic and eukaryotic viral RNA sequence which directs endonuclease cleavage or polyadenylation of an RNA transcript.]
Splice sites topic_1307 [Splice sites in a nucleotide sequence or alternative RNA splicing events.]
Matrix/scaffold attachment sites topic_1308 [Matrix/scaffold attachment regions (MARs/SARs) in a DNA sequence.]
Restriction sites topic_1305 [Restriction enzyme recognition sites (restriction sites) in a nucleic acid sequence.]
Immunomics topic_3967 [The study of immune system as a whole, its regulation and response to pathogens using genome-wide approaches.]
Operon topic_1311 [Operons (operators, promoters and genes) from a bacterial genome.]
Oncology topic_2640 [The study of cancer, for example, genes and proteins implicated in cancer.]
Medicine topic_3303 [Research in support of healing by diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.]
Nucleic acid sequence record (lite) data_2046 [A nucleic acid sequence and minimal metadata, typically an identifier of the sequence and/or a comment.]
Protein sequence record (lite) data_2047 [A protein sequence and minimal metadata, typically an identifier of the sequence and/or a comment.]
Promoters topic_1312 [Whole promoters or promoter elements (transcription start sites, RNA polymerase binding site, transcription factor binding sites, promoter enhancers etc) in a DNA sequence.]
Epistasis topic_3974 [The study of the epigenetic modifications of a whole cell, tissue, organism etc.]
Structural biology topic_1317 [The molecular structure of biological molecules, particularly macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids.]
Biology topic_3070 [The study of life and living organisms, including their morphology, biochemistry, physiology, development, evolution, and so on.]
Sequence motif (nucleic acid) data_2070 [A nucleotide sequence motif.]
Sequence motif data_1353 [Any specific or conserved pattern (typically expressed as a regular expression) in a molecular sequence.]
Sequence motif (protein) data_2071 [An amino acid sequence motif.]
acedb format_1923 [ACEDB sequence format.]