All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
clustal sequence format format_1924 [Clustalw output format.]
Atomic data format format_1918 [Data format for an individual atom.]
Sequence record data_0849 [A molecular sequence and associated metadata.]
Thing Thing
Toxins and targets topic_2661 [Structural and associated data for toxic chemical substances.]
Nucleic acid report data_2084 [A human-readable collection of information about one or more specific nucleic acid molecules.]
Structure report data_2085 [A human-readable collection of information about one or more molecular tertiary (3D) structures. It might include annotation on the structure, a computer-generated report of analysis of structural data, and metadata (data about primary data) or any other free (essentially unformatted) text, as distinct from the primary data itself.]
Nucleic acid structure data data_2086 [A report on nucleic acid structure-derived data, describing structural properties of a DNA molecule, or any other annotation or information about specific nucleic acid 3D structure(s).]
Database search results data_2080 [A report of hits from searching a database of some type.]
Secondary structure data_2081 [The secondary structure assignment (predicted or real) of a nucleic acid or protein.]
Alignment data data_2083 [Data concerning, extracted from, or derived from the analysis of molecular alignment of some type.]
newick format_1910 [Phylogenetic tree Newick (text) format.]
Phylogenetic tree format (text) format_2556 [Text format for a phylogenetic tree.]
TreeCon format format_1911 [Phylogenetic tree TreeCon (text) format.]
Topic topic_0003 [A category denoting a rather broad domain or field of interest, of study, application, work, data, or technology. Topics have no clearly defined borders between each other.]
Nexus format format_1912 [Phylogenetic tree Nexus (text) format.]
Search parameter data_2079 [Some simple value controlling a search operation, typically a search of a database.]
Job identifier data_2098 [An identifier of a submitted job.]
Identifier data_0842 [A text token, number or something else which identifies an entity, but which may not be persistent (stable) or unique (the same identifier may identify multiple things).]
SNP data_2092 [single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in a DNA sequence.]