All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
FASTQ format_1930 [FASTQ short read format ignoring quality scores.]
FASTQ-illumina format_1931 [FASTQ Illumina 1.3 short read format.]
FASTA format_1929 [FASTA format including NCBI-style IDs.]
codata format_1925 [Codata entry format.]
dbid format_1926 [Fasta format variant with database name before ID.]
EMBL format format_1927 [EMBL entry format.]
EMBL-like (text) format_2181 [A text format resembling EMBL entry format.]
Staden experiment format format_1928 [Staden experiment file format.]
Trim to reference operation_3191 [Trim sequences (typically from an automated DNA sequencer) to remove the sequence ends that extend beyond an assembled reference sequence.]
Trim vector operation_3190 [Trim sequences (typically from an automated DNA sequencer) to remove sequence-specific end regions, typically contamination from vector sequences.]
Sequencing error detection operation_3195 [Detect errors in DNA sequences generated from sequencing projects).]
Sequence comparison operation_2451 [Compare two or more molecular sequences.]
Genome feature comparison operation_3194 [Compare the features of two genome sequences.]
Sequence feature comparison operation_0256 [Compare the feature tables of two or more molecular sequences.]
Genome analysis operation_3918 [Detects chimeric sequences (chimeras) from a sequence alignment.]
Sequence trimming operation_3192 [Cut (remove) the end from a molecular sequence.]
Sequence cutting operation_0369 [Cut (remove) characters or a region from a molecular sequence.]
Sequence contamination filtering operation_3187 [Identify and filter a (typically large) sequence data set to remove sequences from contaminants in the sample that was sequenced.]
Sequencing quality control operation_3218 [Raw sequence data quality control.]
Bisulfite mapping operation_3186 [The mapping of methylation sites in a DNA (genome) sequence. Typically, the mapping of high-throughput bisulfite reads to the reference genome.]