All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Methylation analysis operation_3204 [Analyse cytosine methylation states in nucleic acid sequences.]
Physical mapping operation_2944 [Generate a physical (sequence) map of a DNA sequence showing the physical distance (base pairs) between features or landmarks such as restriction sites, cloned DNA fragments, genes and other genetic markers.]
Base-calling operation_3185 [Identify base (nucleobase) sequence from a fluorescence 'trace' data generated by an automated DNA sequencer.]
Sequence generation operation_0230 [Generate a molecular sequence by some means.]
Trim ends operation_3189 [Trim sequences (typically from an automated DNA sequencer) to remove misleading ends.]
Split read mapping operation_3199 [A varient of oligonucleotide mapping where a read is mapped to two separate locations because of possible structural variation.]
Read mapping operation_3198 [Align short oligonucleotide sequences (reads) to a larger (genomic) sequence.]
Sequence read processing operation_3921 [The processing of reads from high-throughput sequencing machines.]
Genetic variation analysis operation_3197 [Analyse a genetic variation, for example to annotate its location, alleles, classification, and effects on individual transcripts predicted for a gene model.]
Analysis operation_2945 [Apply analytical methods to existing data of a specific type.]
Genotyping operation_3196 [Analyse DNA sequence data to identify differences between the genetic composition (genotype) of an individual compared to other individual's or a reference sequence.]
Sequence assembly validation operation_3180 [Evaluate a DNA sequence assembly, typically for purposes of quality control.]
Validation operation_2428 [Validate some data.]
Sequence assembly data_0925 [An assembly of fragments of a (typically genomic) DNA sequence.]
Sequence assembly topic_0196 [The assembly of fragments of a DNA sequence to reconstruct the original sequence.]
Sequence assembly report data_3181 [An informative report about a DNA sequence assembly.]
Sequence assembly visualisation operation_3184 [Render and visualise a DNA sequence assembly.]
Sequence visualisation operation_0564 [Visualise, format or render a molecular sequence or sequences such as a sequence alignment, possibly with sequence features or properties shown.]
Localised reassembly operation_3183 [Reconstruction of a sequence assembly in a localised area.]
Sequence assembly operation_0310 [Combine (align and merge) overlapping fragments of a DNA sequence to reconstruct the original sequence.]