All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Protein structural motifs and surfaces topic_0166 [Structural features or common 3D motifs within protein structures, including the surface of a protein structure, such as biological interfaces with other molecules.]
Protein domain recognition operation_0246 [Identify structural domains in a protein structure from first principles (for example calculations on structural compactness).]
Protein folds and structural domains topic_0736 [Protein tertiary structural domains and folds in a protein or polypeptide chain.]
qualillumina format_3609 [FASTQ format subset for Phred sequencing quality score data only (no sequences) from Illumina 1.5 and before Illumina 1.8.]
qualsolexa format_3608 [FASTQ format subset for Phred sequencing quality score data only (no sequences) for Solexa/Illumina 1.0 format.]
Protein geometry calculation operation_0249 [Calculate, visualise or analyse phi/psi angles of a protein structure.]
Sequence motif comparison operation_0240 [Find motifs shared by molecular sequences.]
Protein property calculation (from structure) operation_0243 [Extract, calculate or predict non-positional (physical or chemical) properties of a protein from processing a protein (3D) structure.]
Simulation analysis operation_0244 [Analyse flexibility and motion in protein structure.]
Transcription regulatory sequence analysis operation_0241 [Analyse the sequence, conformational or physicochemical properties of transcription regulatory elements in DNA sequences.]
Conserved transcription regulatory sequence identification operation_0242 [Identify common, conserved (homologous) or synonymous transcriptional regulatory motifs (transcription factor binding sites).]
FASTA-HTML format_2310 [FASTA format wrapped in HTML elements.]
FASTA-like format_2546 [A format resembling FASTA format.]
EMBL-HTML format_2311 [EMBL entry format wrapped in HTML elements.]
EMBL-like format format_2543 [A format resembling EMBL entry (plain text) format.]
Plasmid identifier data_2208 [An identifier of a plasmid in a database.]
Nucleic acid identifier data_2119 [Name or other identifier of a nucleic acid molecule.]
Mutation ID data_2209 [A unique identifier of a specific mutation catalogued in a database.]
Mutation identifier data_2538 [An identifier of a mutation.]
Sequence tagged site (STS) mapping operation_2871 [Generate a physical DNA map (sequence map) from analysis of sequence tagged sites (STS).]