All terms in EDAM

Label Id Description
Sequence map data_1279 [A map of genetic markers in a contiguous, assembled genomic sequence, with the sizes and separation of markers measured in base pairs.]
Sequence record full data_2201 [A molecular sequence and comprehensive metadata (such as a feature table), typically corresponding to a full entry from a molecular sequence database.]
GTF format_2306 [Gene Transfer Format (GTF), a restricted version of GFF.]
STRING entry format (HTML) format_2303 [Entry format (HTML) for the STRING database of protein interaction.]
STRING entry format (XML) format_2304 [Entry format (XML) for the STRING database of protein interaction.]
Protein interaction format format_2054 [Format for molecular interaction data.]
Data retrieval (database cross-reference) operation_0225 [Search database to retrieve all relevant references to a particular entity or entry.]
Annotation operation_0226 [Annotate an entity (typically a biological or biomedical database entity) with terms from a controlled vocabulary.]
Operation operation_0004 [A function that processes a set of inputs and results in a set of outputs, or associates arguments (inputs) with values (outputs).]
Ontology data_0582 [An ontology of biological or bioinformatics concepts and relations, a controlled vocabulary, structured glossary etc.]
Query and retrieval operation_0224 [Search or query a data resource and retrieve entries and / or annotation.]
Data handling operation_2409 [Basic (non-analytical) operations of some data, either a file or equivalent entity in memory, such that the same basic type of data is consumed as input and generated as output.]
Annotation retrieval (sequence) operation_0229 [Retrieve basic information about a molecular sequence.]
Tumor annotation data_2217 [An informative report on a specific tumor including nature and origin of the sample, anatomic site, organ or tissue, tumor type, including morphology and/or histologic type, and so on.]
Server metadata data_2218 [Basic information about a server on the web, such as an SRS server.]
Indexing operation_0227 [Generate an index of (typically a file of) biological data.]
Database field name data_2219 [The name of a field in a database.]
Data index analysis operation_0228 [Analyse an index of biological data.]
Mutation annotation (prevalence) data_2213 [An informative report on the prevalence of mutation(s), including data on samples and mutation prevalence (e.g. by tumour type)..]
Mutation annotation (prognostic) data_2214 [An informative report on mutation prognostic data, such as information on patient cohort, the study settings and the results of the study.]